由: 亚历克斯·西尔弗曼
From our friends at Planet Classroom’s Problem Solvers series, Jailene Kontz presents the idea of 利用人工智能为电影制片人赋能, offering a glimpse into the future of filmmaking and the tools we can expect to use.
As AI takes the spotlight in various fields, including the arts and entertainment industry, filmmaking is no exception. Kontz provides insight by showcasing popular AI filmmaking programs, highlighting sound editing software like iZotope RX10 and storyboarding software from Boords, 等等. 然而, alongside these innovative ideas, ethical concerns arise, emphasizing the importance of giving proper credit. This topic is both fascinating and brimming with questions and uncertainties, but it represents the future of the industry.
我给这部电影 4.5 出 5 星星.
亚历克斯毕业于芝加哥哥伦比亚学院,主修喜剧写作 & 表演和电视写作辅修. 除了他作为 CMrubinWorld 星球课堂网络电影选择团队的一部分工作之外, 他曾担任国际儿童媒体中心的筛选小组实习生, 素描作家, 以及第 61 届芝加哥/中西部艾美奖颁奖典礼的现场制作助理。