Stärkung der Jugend in neuer Hoffnung für Mädchen

By Sadie Judd

The micro-documentary New Hope for Girls by Dallas Golden, ist ein Wirbelwind aus Positivität und Liebe, Wir konzentrieren uns darauf, was es bedeutet, unterstützende Menschen in unserem Leben zu haben. Der Film wurde vor Ort in Daressalam gedreht, Tansania von einem Team von Actuality Abroad.

Durch die Geschichte von Tröster Eliya, Das Publikum ist von ihrer Belastbarkeit und Stärke fasziniert, and how that has led her to impact young girls’ lives in the most meaningful way. Her affection is obvious in the girls’ smiles and songs, bringing about moments of pure joy and prompting reflections on how love in our individual lives has led us to where we are today.

New Hope for Girls is a positively inviting and remarkable film that can leave audiences with a touching hope for the future.

Overall score: 5/5

Sadie Judd is a senior at DePaul University with an editing concentration in the Film and Television department. Aside from editing films, she can be found reading fantasy books, watching comedies or taking a nice stroll.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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