In this short フィルム by Claire Imler, we follow Deanna Okajima, a nurse from Sharp Memorial Hospital in California and her job combating Covid-19. The film shows us Deanna’s everyday duties at the hospital where she works, which become far more challenging during the pandemic. We learn about the procedures she and her fellow nurses must follow from simple tasks to critical life-saving situations. They do their jobs despite the great risks they personally face.
This short documentary does it’s job well in showing us what life is like for a nurse who is working on the frontlines of a pandemic. To Deanna Okajima and the millions of nurses just like her, this is more than just a job. They are putting their lives on the line for everyone and they do not get the credit they truly deserve. If people were able to see what nurses like Deanna Okajima go through everyday, perhaps they would take the COVID19 pandemic more seriously.
私はこの映画をあげます 4.5 の中から 5 出演者.
アレックスは、コメディライティングを専攻し、シカゴのコロンビアカレッジを最近卒業しました。 & テレビのためのライティングのパフォーマンスとマイナー. CMRubinWorld の Planet Classroom Network Film Selection チームの一員としての仕事とは別に, 彼はインターナショナルチルドレンズメディアセンターのスクリーニングパネリストインターンを務めました, スケッチライター, また、第 61 回シカゴ/中西部エミー賞ではオンセットの制作アシスタントを務めました。