#Family and #SocialMedia is Explored in #NanaRocks


#ナナロックス, directed by Leticia Agudo, is a hilarious and heartwarming short film that showcases the bond two sisters, Rachel and Rosie, each have with their grandmother. Nana clearly has a favorite, but realizes when times are tough who is truly there for her and who she wants to be there for.

This film hit close to home for me, as someone who is very close to her grandma and does a lot of the things Rosie does for her nana. I could see myself and my life through the characters. #NanaRocks also sheds light on how people can act on the internet and how it can differ from how they act in real life. Rachel was so focused on how she looked online, trying to come across as the perfect granddaughter, that she missed her grandma’s allergic reaction while she was too busy posting pictures and didn’t know how to take care of her when Rosie was sick. その上に, it highlighted the things we can take for granted, with Nana clearly enjoying spending more time with Rachel, while not realizing just how much Rosie does for her until Rosie falls ill.

I laughed, reflected on my own relationships with my family, and thought deeper on the effects social media can have on people while watching this film.

I would give it a 5 の中から 5 出演者.

エミリー・ブルックスはモレーンパーク工科大学を卒業したばかりです, 彼女はグラフィック コミュニケーションの AAS を取得しました。, Web開発とデザインだけでなく, そしてファイ・シータ・カッパ名誉協会の会員として優秀な成績で卒業しました。.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
