By Will Hite
Find Your Purpose is an XTalks Video presentation by a high-school student in Malawi called Esther (curated for the Planet Classroom Network by XTalksWorldListens). Esther’s talk focuses not on ‘how’ to do something, but rather how ‘not’ to do something. Namely, how not to give up on one’s dreams.
“You are black, you are so small, you can’t do this unlike people like us.” The orator opens her speech by referring to negative comments teens may be exposed to. These comments can focus on many parts of a human’s identity such as race, body size, gender, and class. She refers to them as “silly little comments” that should not be what hinders someone from achieving their goals. She explains how worrying about negative comments by other people can lead to depression and, even worse, make one give up on one’s purpose.
“It is time to discover ourselves, it is time to analyse ourselves, to know who we really are,” she continues. In this part of her presentation, she touches on having a positive, growth mindset even while living in a world that does not appreciate institutions, like music for example, saying that just because others can’t see it does not mean there’s no potential. In other words, don’t let other people’s perceptions influence one’s vision of what they want their life to be.
I felt Esther’s presentation, although powerful, had a lack of focus. The areas she speaks to are broad and not specific enough at times. I also think a personal example of how the speaker did not let these negative comments hold her down would definitely have supported the structure of the presentation. If a revision of Find Your Purpose were in the works, I’d recommend the speaker select a topic for an international audience or one that focuses more on her country.
I’d give this speech a 3.5 out of 5.
Will Hite is a senior at Connecticut College. He is majoring in theater and film and is currently aspiring to be a screenwriter.
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