Retain is a short film by director Grace Goen that depicts a civilian in an interview answering questions and waiting for her final results. The film consists of close-up scenes of the main characters. The close-up on the main character’s body language while answering the questions in the interview creates a sense of tension and makes each question more important as she continues to answer them. The dialogue gives the main character a backstory, allowing the audience to relate to and sympathize with her by taking them through the main character’s journey of feeling hope and eventually achieving happiness during the film.
The film created some confusion about the reason why the main character was being interviewed. The dialogue could have been a little clearer by explicitly mentioning the purpose of the interview which would help give the audience a better understanding of the main character’s situation.
Overall, Grace Goen did a fantastic job in capturing the main character’s emotions by only focusing on her facial expressions while also creating a dark and secluded atmosphere with the lighting and the background. Goen was able to successfully depict the feeling of nervousness people feel when answering questions in an interview, hoping that the answers will lead to a positive outcome.
I would give this film 4/5 stars.
Esmeralda Hernandez De La Torre is a junior undergraduate student at the University of California, Merced. She is majoring in Management and Business Economics with a minor in Psychology, and is pursuing a career in digital marketing. She is a Communications Intern at CMRubinWorld working with the website and social media accounts.
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