幸福と困難: サラ・ヤングの『People Like Us』のレビュー

By Ford Melillo

People Like Us by Sarah Young is a short film depicting adversity, 希望, そして夢. マレーシアに住むイスラム教徒のミャンマー難民の子供たちの困難な経験と楽しいつながりの両方を記録しています。, 特にモチベーションに重点を置いた, ラフィクという名前の自信に満ちた少年. 難民問題に対する視聴者の認識を促進することと、その主題の子供らしい不思議さを描くこととの間でバランスが取れています。, leaving a lasting impact with its incredible style and grace. さらに重要なこと: Rafiq’s happiness and charm shine throughout, especially in scenes where he teaches his friends dance moves and jams out to music on his headphones. These captivating moments are bound to stick with viewers long after the film’s conclusion.

I feel deeply fortunate to have learned more about the struggles of refugees in Malaysia and to have seen such a wonderful celebration of life. I am happy to give People Like Us 5 の中から 5 出演者.

Ford Melillo is a marketing intern at CMRubinWorld and Stanford undergrad studying English with a Creative Writing focus.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
