By Xinrui Ma
第一主席 is a short film by the Montgomery brothers, 伊森和路克, 講述了一位單簧管演奏者重新評估自己的才華並追求成為學校音樂計畫第一任主席的目標的故事. 故事情節很簡單, 但自我導向的情感引起了許多在音樂產業尋求熱情和地位的才華橫溢的學生的共鳴. 透過不懈的練習和排練, one can earn a place in a music band, but reaching the top demands even more effort. Every talent grapples with the pressure of chasing their dream positions in life and often has to sacrifice something else to achieve their goals. 在電影的最後, the clarinet player gives up her interest in playing the piano and singing to focus on retaining her first chair position in clarinet. Despite the bittersweet ending—losing her interest—we can’t say it was the wrong decision because her dedication to clarinet practice helped her secure her first chair title in the band. Perhaps she will rediscover her interest one day; 畢竟, it’s about how you perceive yourself and take action to achieve your current goals.
This film conveys the message that one should bolster self-esteem and determine what is most important to pursue at the right moment.
我會給這部電影一個 5 出 5 星星.
馬新銳是紐約大學應屆畢業生 (紐約大學) 獲得優等生和大學榮譽, 她在那裡獲得了學士學位. 在媒體領域, 文化, 和通訊.