¿Alguna vez has querido aprender sobre la vida de una sirena??

Por Ethan Thomas

If you have, entonces tu espera ha terminado. Kim is a short animated mockumentary centered around Kim, a Siren who takes the viewers through the ins and outs of her life. We learn not only about Kim’s habits and preferences in terms of collecting items from humans, but of the complicated relationship between her and a sailor she has known for several years. Kim provides a funny slice of life story that provides a deeper look into relationships and humanity.

Written and Animated by Madeline Landry, Kim was curated for the Planet Classroom Network by NFFTY (National Film Festival for Talented Youth) based in Seattle, Washington. This short film portrays the relationships and habits we form through a unique lens. There are also satirical elements incorporated throughout the story, including subtle jabs at environment pollution and overpopulation. All of these themes combined create a really enjoyable and lighthearted film which is suitable for all ages. Adicionalmente, the voice actors do a wonderful job of creating the tone and building the world of Kim.

Where Kim succeeds is striking the balance between comedy, animation, and satire in a visually stunning package. Stop motion animation is notorious for being labor intensive, requiring long hours of work to create short amounts of progress. For all these reasons, I cannot recommend this film enough. Audiences of all ages can watch Kim and get something different from it, whether that’s humor or getting your heart strings pulled in other directions.

Doy esta pelicula 4.5 estrellas fuera de 5.

Ethan Thomas es un estudiante actual en la Universidad Estatal de Florida, listo para graduarse en mayo 2023. Tiene una doble especialización en escritura creativa y tecnología de la información y está siguiendo una carrera en cine..

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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