Hallo Frico, Auf Wiedersehen Klarheit

By Tanner Sell

Hallo Frico is a comedy-short produced entirely by Ava Bounds. Es geht um die Situation vier junger Frauen, die im Wald auf ein allein gelassenes kleines Baby stoßen. Von Panik und mütterlichem Instinkt heimgesucht, Sie beeilen sich, brauchbare Nahrungsmittel für das Kind zu finden. Sie kommen aus dem Wald und gleichzeitig aus geistiger Stabilität. Während sich ihre Welt auflöst, things get weird and funny.

Ava Bounds does a wonderful job of producing a short, funny, and interesting film with Hallo Frico. It constantly keeps you guessing and interested in the next development. With unique turns and unexpected stories, the film makes you eager to watch it a second time.

Other than for the sake of pure entertainment, Hallo Frico lacks any sort of theme or purpose that made me genuinely curious about its outcome.

I am pleased to rate this film with 3 von 5 Sterne.

Tanner Sell is a student at The Pennsylvania State University studying Telecommunications and Media Industries with a focus on ethical resolutions to current and future technical problems. He is a communications intern at CMRubinWorld with interests in music and video production, philosophy, and sociology

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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