隱藏! 表明孩子們可以智勝怪物


Directed by Matt Streeter, 誰扮演怪物, 由 Olivia 和 Ava Streeter 飾演兩個小女孩, 隱藏! 無疑是一種樂趣, 難忘的家庭項目.

The premise of 隱藏! 很簡單: 兩個小女孩在房子周圍被一個來勢洶洶的怪物所困擾, 他們盡最大努力躲避它. 他們擠進黑暗, 狹窄的角落, 比如閣樓和樓梯底部, 躲避怪物.

隱藏! defies expectations when it demonstrates the girls’ resourcefulness and tight-knit bond. They are not merely running away from the monster; they are actively fending it off together. 例如, they carefully perform a countdown to when they should slam the garage door down on the monster’s hand, and they tip over a basket of laundry on the stairs to trip the monster.

The girls’ ingenuity proves that children can most certainly outsmart even the most persistent of monsters.

我會給這部電影 3.5/5.

Julian Cao 畢業了 致以崇高的敬意 擁有加州州立大學電影文學學士學位, 長灘. 目前, Julian 是 MVPStyln Productions 的助理經理, 以及 CMrubinWorld 和 Tsang 的實習生 & 合夥人, 可編程控制器.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
