Como vamos Leia? – The Book Given

The book given by Lewis Carroll to Alice Liddell for Christmas

No November 26, 1864, Lewis Carroll deu meu parente, Alice Pleasance Liddell, um livro que ele havia escrito para ela. Ele chamou o livro Subterrâneo das aventuras Alice depois de títulos, considerando como De Alice Golden House, Alice Entre os Elfos, Alice Entre os Goblins, e Doings de Alice no país das maravilhas. Carroll passou mais de dois anos escrevendo e ilustrando o livro para Alice. Ela consistia de noventa e duas páginas cobertas com sua escrita print-like, bem como trinta e sete de seus próprios desenhos de caneta e tinta. O livro dado a Alice Liddell mudaria sua vida para sempre.

It all began (as Carroll reminded his followers on a number of occasions) because of a 10-year-old girl who had encouraged Carroll’s storytelling for years, and in particular a story he told about Alice in Wonderland during a summer day’s picnic on July 4, 1862. Alice was continuously insistent that Carroll write the story down for her, which he eventually did and ultimately presented to her as an early Christmas gift. The book would also change Carroll’s life forever, mas nunca poderia ter acontecido se uma jovem não havia inspirado autor do livro infantil inéditos para escrever livro de todos os tempos maiores para crianças.

Há mais 20,000 livros, filmes, óperas, peças de teatro e jogos de vídeo baseados em Lewis Carroll As aventuras de Alice no País das Maravilhas e Através do espelho e que Alice encontrou lá. Estima-se que mais 8 bilhão de pessoas tenham lido ou visto apresentações do “Alice” livros. Lewis Carroll está atrás apenas da Bíblia e Shakespeare no número de citações do “Alice” livros que aparecem no discurso publicado. Em adição aos novos adaptações As aventuras de Alice no País das Maravilhas, Vidas de Carroll e Liddell continuam a inspirar inúmeras novos livros, obras de arte, e projetos de filmes. And all because of “um livro dado.”

If the book given to Alice in 1864 was given today, just imagine the variety of different ways a creative chap like Lewis Carroll might have presented it to his Alice. Quantum leaps in technology have completely changed the way we write, illustrate, publicar, mercado, promote and consume books. I find myself (like Alice) constantly curious and excited about discovering all the new products in the digital books wonderland, while at the same time overwhelmed by all the new found freedoms the technology revolution promises to offer me. Is the device simple stupid enough for me to connect with quickly in my already complicated life? Is it time to buy this tablet or this e-reader? Will I look out of date to my bridge pals when the new updated version is released in 6 months time? I also wonder whether any of us will recognize the content of yesterday’s “livro” once the revolution settles down. Will writing for Google become such an integral part of the book marketing culture that creative processes are dramatically changed?

Amazon’s Kindle Fire

Between you and me, I yearn for some form of consolidation in all the craziness that would enable me to feel I can comment intelligently on what appears to be the longer term trends in the publishing model. One thing I know for sure: an entertainment business career which kept me moving through the theatrical, televisão, vídeo, DVD, pay on demand and pay television formats taught me that we don’t stop watching great movies. As a passionate movie lover, I would argue that the changing technology enabled me to watch more great and even not so great movies than ever before, since I was able to do it more often thanks to a variety of formats that accommodated my ever-changing hectic lifestyle. Além, those great movies that made that unforgettable connection and changed my life forever, I not only watched again and again, but I insisted on owning them in every possible format I could fit onto the living room shelf.

And so I don’t believe that passionate readers, like passionate movie lovers, will ever disappear. The way readers read will of course continue to evolve and change, but certain things about the cultural experience will not. Por exemplo, everything will still begin with the written word, and if that written word is to survive the test of time and change lives forever (like the book given to my relative in 1864), it will happen because of rare talent and creativity and innovative thinking in an age that is redefining how we shall read.

Photos courtesy of, Inc. and Henmead Enterprises, Inc.

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CM. Rubin has more than two decades of professional experience in development, marketing, and art direction for a diverse range of media businesses. She is the author of the widely read on-line series, A Pesquisa Global para a Educação, e também é o autor de três livros mais vendidos, Incluindo The Real Alice no País das Maravilhas.

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Autor: C. M. Rubin

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