
一群高中生如何單槍匹馬取消使用塑料袋, 不僅在聖莫尼卡縣, 而且在加利福尼亞州? Team Marine is one of eight powerful stories of youth activists focused on reducing the carbon footprint in their communities created by the organization 星球的年輕聲音. 電影 is produced and directed by the organization’s Founder, 琳妮·切裡(Lynne Cherry), who is also a New York Times best-selling author and a firm believer that youth inspire us all to embrace the seriousness of climate change.

Team Marine follows the true story of young environmental activists from western Los Angeles County who take matters into their own hands and refuse to wait for change to come. We meet three of seven Team Marine students in a sit-down interview to deeper understand their passion for saving the environment and journey to getting plastic bags banned.

Cherry uses several film techniques to tell her story. She cleverly interweaves interview footage with personal footage of these young activists on how they not only influenced Santa Monica City Council but educated their community. She also uses the Ken Burns effect to add animation to the video. This effect is named after the famed American documentary filmmaker, well known for his archival photographs and footage. Cherry also plays the aspect ratios which helps the film’s pacing, making an almost six-minute film feel even shorter. It also distinguishes the footage she shot from the b-roll.

總體, I enjoyed this film because it tells an inspiring story, educates the audience, and shows how others can get involved and invoke change. The audience for this film are students who are learning about the different sciences. 我給這部電影 4 出 5 星星. The film could have let us get to know our subject on a deeper level. 還, I believe the addition of hearing from some Santa Monica residents would have enhanced the film.

立即在Planet Classroom YouTube頻道上放映這部電影

賈斯汀·德考西 (Justin DeCausey) 是聖心大學 (Sacred Heart University) 攻讀廣播新聞學和媒體製作的研究生. 擁有學士學位. 在電視製作, 他想幫助改善媒體對有色人種的敘述. 除了為 CMrubinWorld 做出貢獻之外, this multimedia producer has worked on various scripted and unscripted tv and film projects.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
