Regenerative Agriculture Tackles Climate Change is a short film by Jessica Thompson. 这部电影解释了再生农业的基础知识, 以保护为重点的耕作和放牧方法,旨在扭转气候变化对土壤的影响. “再生农业重建表土, 和, 大规模, 可以提供全球粮食安全,” 特雷西·费尔南德斯·里萨维说道, 正如电影中所引用的那样. The concept was developed fairly recently and isn’t yet widely known.
Though not majorly flawed, Regenerative Agriculture Tackles Climate Change could benefit from some changes. The purpose of the film is important; people can’t support a practice they are unaware of. But the film’s explanation of regenerative agriculture is bare bones, leaving the viewer unclear on what the term “regenerative agriculture” fully means. Keeping the introduction simple is a valid approach, but we need more than what the film gives us to understand this unfamiliar concept. There is a non sequitur about a nutrient managing program that, while interesting, isn’t necessary to understand what regenerative agriculture is. If this section were removed, that could free up some runtime for a more comprehensive explanation. Visuals consist of a slideshow of pictures, some related to the onscreen text, some not. If the visuals were more involved with telling the film’s story, it could help give the audience more information while also being more engaging than three minutes of text.Regenerative Agriculture Tackles Climate Change is not a bad film. The topic is an interesting one and informing the public is a vital part of any ecological movement. All the film needs is some refinement, and it could be a great beginner’s guide to understanding and supporting regenerative agriculture. I give the film three out of five stars.
艾薇儿是萨凡纳艺术与设计学院写作专业的大四学生. 她的目标是有一天以出版她的作品为职业.