By Rhea Mursalin
תופס שורש, יונה אליאס’ documentary short, is an inspiring and essential film that delves into a farmer’s determination to safeguard his community’s health. The film follows Mr. Loi, a local farmer in Da Nang, who adopted organic and chemical-free farming practices out of his sense of responsibility.
Through interviews with Mr. Loi, his friends and workers, chefs who use his crops, and the Health Farms organization that helped him distribute his produce, Elias captures an essential message on how doing the right thing for oneself and others can have significant benefits for everyone.
בסך הכל, I would rate this film 5 מתוך 5 כוכבים.
Rhea Mursalin is a recent graduate from the University of California, San Diego where she earned a Bachelor’s in Communications.
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