From the Bard Conservatory, Trois Ballades de François Villon is a performance of three different ballades, written by François Villon. The music is composed by one of the most influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th Century. Each ballade is harmoniously performed by vocalist Jonathan Comfort, and pianist Szu-Ying Huang.
These two talented musicians come together for the 12-minute performance. Ballade de Villon à s’Amye is a poet’s response to struggles with a lover scorned. Ballade que Villon feit à la requeste de sa mère pour prier Nostre-Dame is a personalized version of the Ave Maria created for the artist’s mother to sing. Ballade des Femmes de Paris is an ode to Parisian women.
This performance shows the accomplishment of the musicians at Bard College. 我评价这个表演 3.5 出 5 星星.
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