Our views are shaped by the unique and personal biases we hold. こうした偏見は潜在意識にある可能性があります, しかし、それらは依然として、さまざまな状況に対する私たちの見方や反応に影響を与えます. 中に Ladder of Inference, 異なる国から来た 2 人の女の子が同じ情報にどのように反応するかを見ることで、この概念が探求され、強調されます。. このビデオは、二人の人がどのようにして物事を完全に異なる見方で見ることができるかを示しています, which is a topic more relevant than ever.
Ladder of Inference, directed by Sandra Stein, was curated for Planet Classroom by the Global Nomads Group. This short documentary film raises awareness for a prevalent aspect of humanity and society and stimulates further reflection. The primary audience for this film is young people, and it helps children understand the concepts of bias and the differences between different people.
どこ Ladder of Inference succeeds is in clearly presenting the concept of bias and cultural differences. These concepts and themes can be complex and difficult to approach, so I commend the creators for the informative and enjoyable execution of the premise. I would highly recommend this film to young people and children, and I give this film 4 の中から 5 出演者.
イーサントーマスはフロリダ州立大学の現在の学生です, 5月に卒業する予定 2023. He is double majoring in Creative Writing and Information Technology, and is pursuing a career in filmmaking.