By Veronique Manfredini
לאונרד וקווין is an animated short film by the talented Montgomery brothers, Ethan and Luke, that follows the misadventures of two characters on a mission to turn off a pesky lamp post. The unique blend of live action and animation is inventive and cute, and the attention to detail in the sound design creates a truly immersive experience. עם זאת, while the technical aspects of the film are impressive, the story falls short. The purpose of the film is unclear, and the characters lack depth, making it difficult to relate to their motivations. I was left wondering why the light bothered Leonard and why they went to such lengths to turn it off. Despite its shortcomings, לאונרד וקווין is still a visually appealing and well-crafted film that is worth a watch.
I give it a rating of 3 מתוך 5 כוכבים.
Veronique is a graduate of Columbia University’s School of General Studies with a Bachelor’s in writing, and received associate degrees in English and Business Administration with High Honors. Her debut flash-fiction piece, “Holy Ransom Demands!,” was published in the Mood Reader Anthology by Hale Patton Publishing in February 2022.
She is passionate about writing and aims to have a career as a college professor, מחבר, and developmental editor.
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