太陽を取り入れましょう: ソーラーウィンドウの評価

By Jack DeWitt

In the short film, What Could Be Hotter Than Solar Windows? by Kennedy Mallory, viewers learn about the differences between solar and regular windows, and how solar windows could address the renewable energy crisis.

Mallory discusses their installation on skyscrapers and in cities, highlighting companies involved in the technology. Pros and cons are presented, with pros outweighing cons.

Rating: 3.75/5. The topic is intriguing, but live action shots could enhance the message.

ジャック・デウィットはエイドリアン大学を卒業 (エイドリアン, ミシガン州) コミュニケーション芸術と科学と演劇の二重学士号を取得しています。

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
