
By Tanner Sell

Blessing is a short film produced by Daniella Isabel and directed by Hadley Hendon that highlights the work being done for the disadvantaged in Morocco. アル・ヌール, マラケシュのテキスタイルショップ, 身体障害のある女性を雇用し、仕事を通じて女性に新たな生きがいを与える. 発展途上国では, 障害者に対する経済的支援が不足しているため、これは特に貴重です.

The film specifically follows Najat, a woman who has tremendously benefited from the program. Her development is tracked through the testimony of her peers as they recount her emotional growth over her time with Al Nour. Isabel and Hendon have utilized a powerful story to deliver a message of love, power, and dignity.

I am pleased to rate this film with 5 の中から 5 出演者.

Tanner Sell is a student at The Pennsylvania State University studying Telecommunications and Media Industries with a focus on ethical resolutions to current and future technical problems. He is a communications intern at CMRubinWorld with interests in music and video production, philosophy, and sociology

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
