Estudiante de Malawi analiza los pros y los contras del uso de la tecnología

By Will Hite

In this video presentation, Mtowa, un estudiante de Malawi, comparte perspectivas sobre la espada de doble filo de la tecnología en un mundo del siglo XXI.

"¿Sabías que tantos árboles pueden hacer un fósforo pero solo un fósforo puede quemar tantos árboles?,”Son las primeras líneas del discurso de Mtowa. En lugar de depender de las estadísticas y la investigación fáctica, she uses dramatic flare and metaphorical rhetoric to present her thesis that the impact of technology on our world compares to man’s discovery of fire. In addition, she equates the isolating effects of too much technology, specifically cell phones, to the potentially destructive power of fire if not used with caution and integrity. She notes that the benefits of technology in the last few years ”limit people’s physical interactions with each other and make them oblivious to their surroundings.” While she acknowledges the dangers of too much tech, she does not deny its value to society but rather, like mankind’s discovery of fire, she urges that society approach it with balance.

Mtowa is perhaps not the first speaker to breach this subject, but I found her approach to the topic unique and riveting. She also connected with her audience. We have all seen the changes in our mentality because of technology. Dicho esto, people are not able to detach themselves from it because at this point in time it’s too imperative to our everyday lives.

I would give this video 4.5/5.   Some of the framing choices in the cinematography appear slightly jaunting. Habiendo dicho eso, I believe the speech itself was flawless and everyone with a phone should give it a listen.

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Will Hite es un estudiante de último año en Connecticut College para obtener un título en estudios de teatro y cine.. Su área de enfoque incluye la dramaturgia y la escritura de guiones., interino, dirigente, edición de video, y dramaturgia. Will ha sido un miembro ávido de la escena teatral dirigida por estudiantes en su universidad., ayudando a organizar lecturas de obras de teatro para Wig and Candle, así como a fundar un club de dramaturgia llamado Crooked Curtains Theatre.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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