移動ストーリー: Battery Dance の Dancing for Trust のレビュー: ブレーメン


The mini-documentary 信頼のために踊る: ブレーメン from Battery Dance waltzes into a world of movement and abstract expressionism as students learn to tell their stories through dance.

から 2006, Battery Dance has organized week-long camps that teach students in and around the German city of Bremen new dance techniques, expressions, and movements that allow them to tell their stories physically. Through clips and interviews, the film gives students the stage, allowing them to describe their empowering experience during the camp and show the captivating group dances they created.

What should also be acknowledged is 信頼のために踊る: Bremen’s spectacular cinematography and lighting. The moving camera shots lure viewers into the film, and the lighting ensures that the spotlight always remains on the students, illuminating their journey through the camp.

While I enjoyed the film and the numerous dances displayed, I am disappointed that we did not learn more about how students were taught and the different activities that occurred during the camp. 明らかに, they did a lot of dancing, but I believe some clips of the students being taught different exercises or techniques would help audiences better understand the teaching power Battery Dance provides to these students.

総合スコア: 4/5 スター

テレサ・マトゥザックは映画の学士号を取得するためにデポール大学の 2 年目に入る学生監督です & テレビ. 脚本を書いたり映画を監督したりしていないとき, 彼女は Minecraft をプレイしたり、古いテレビ番組をむしゃむしゃ観たりしているのが見られます。.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン



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