自然が呼んでいる, だから誰が電話を拾うのか?

バイ: Alexandra Yun

Nature Needs You, プラネットクラスルームネットワークのYouTubeチャンネルで上映中, は、さまざまなコミュニティの人々が1つの目標を念頭に置いて集まった物語を共有する9分間の短編映画です。: taking care of the planet.

As we learn from the film’s trailer, オーストラリアのライフスタイルは土地へのアクセスに依存しています, 清浄水, と健康食品. 物語は中心に 5 local leaders across Australia who are standing their ground to protect their communities against industrial resource development. This is both a call to action and an informative documentary that will make anyone take a second to think about how they might protect and secure their own environment.

Mark Pearce is the director, ライター, and producer of the film which has garnered a number of international film awards from Portugal, オーストラリア, 米国, including the 2019 Winner of Best Call to Action Film (Sustainability Awards, Illinois, 米国).

Pearce takes the viewer into each of the different environments and lets each leader speak individually about the issue they are focused on. He showcases the beauty of his home country with up-close shots of the different environments that draw us in so that we see first-hand what each person is experiencing. Towards the end of the film, he pulls together the natural and cultural threads from each person’s story to focus on the key goaltaking care of the environment.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching the film overall. It was easy to follow as well as being informative about why people are committed to the land. There’s a cause and effect when we disturb the planet and the film also informs us of the different ways we can help to protect it. Nature Needs You is something that all ages could watch and enjoy, more specifically, any high school student studying the environment.

5/5 出演者

Alexandra Yun graduated in 2020 from Florida International University, earning her degree of Bachelor of Science, majoring in journalism. She’s currently located in New York City to further pursue her career in journalism.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
