Írta: Tanner Sell
Halmese, directed by Mark Kiefer, is a comedic short film that tells the story of Ernest Hemingway’s return to the modern world as a ghost. The film follows Hemingway as he finds himself in the attic of a home, engaging in a heated argument with fellow author Herman Melville that nearly turns physical.
Kiefer skillfully blends comedy and revisionist history to recreate one of the most enduring literary debates of all time on screen. The film offers a glimpse into the inner workings of Kiefer’s imagination. Azonban, there are moments where the film’s development could have been clearer, leaving the viewer feeling somewhat disconnected at times. Teljes, Halmese is an entertaining and cleverly crafted film that is sure to delight fans of literary fiction and comedy alike.
Örömmel értékelem ezt a filmet 3 kívül 5 stars.
Tanner Sell a Pennsylvania Állami Egyetem hallgatója a távközlési és médiaipar szakon, és a jelenlegi és jövőbeli műszaki problémák etikai megoldásaira összpontosít.. Kommunikációs gyakornok a CMRubinWorldnél, és a zene és a videógyártás iránt érdeklődik, filozófia, és a szociológia
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