פְּסַנְתְרָן: Playing with Heart

מאת אלכס סילברמן

פְּסַנְתְרָן (not to be confused with the film starring Adrien Brody) is directed by Kazuya Ashizawa. It tells the story of a piano player struggling to play a piece by Beethoven.

The star of this film is Yusuke Honda, who is an international competition winner in real life. We see Yusuke struggle in the beginning with his piece, with his instructor reminding him that Beethoven composed the piece with all his heart, so Yusuke must accept all of Beethoven’s heart. As Yusuke continues to practice, the stress and frustration of not meeting his own expectations begin to take a toll on him emotionally. We witness his moments of doubt, התמדה, and gradual improvement. When he finally steps out to perform, it becomes evident that he has poured as much heart into the piece as Beethoven did. This emotional journey from struggle to triumph is portrayed with minimal dialogue and masterful piano playing, which are the film’s greatest strengths.

אני נותן את הסרט הזה 3 מתוך 5 כוכבים

אלכס הוא בוגר קולומביה קולג' בשיקגו עם התמחות בכתיבה קומית & הופעה וקטין בכתיבה לטלוויזיה. מלבד עבודתו כחלק מצוות בחירת הסרטים של Planet Classroom Network ב-CMRubinWorld, הוא כותב מערכונים, ומנהלת קריירה במשחק בעיר ניו יורק.

מחבר: C. M. רובין

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