By Tanner Sell
R.V is a short film by directors Melissa Center and Will Hawkes that depicts the horrific, δυστοπικό μέλλον όπου οι αμβλώσεις έχουν τεθεί εκτός νόμου και πρέπει να γίνονται σε μυστικές επεμβάσεις. Χρησιμοποιώντας λίγο διάλογο, the film manages to convey deep levels of emotion with body language and environment.
With the recent siege on women’s reproductive rights, η διαφαινόμενη απειλή της άμβλωσης παραμένει επιβάρυνση. Women all over the world fear for a future where they lose this right, και R.V manages to artfully display that emotion through film.
Melissa Center and Will Hawkes impressively illustrate so many complex ideas with little to no dialogue. The skill this takes cannot be understated, and anyone who knows film will agree that R.V is nothing short of amazing.
I am pleased to rate this film with 5 έξω από 5 αστέρια.
Tanner Sell is a student at The Pennsylvania State University studying Telecommunications and Media Industries with a focus on ethical resolutions to current and future technical problems. He is a communications intern at CMRubinWorld with interests in music and video production, philosophy, and sociology.
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