Refugio: Una exploración sincera de la vulnerabilidad y la resiliencia

By Nikita Harris

Refugio is a film directed by Leticia Agudo that takes you to the other side of life abroad. It captures the essence of vulnerability when one is left to the mercy of the harsh city streets in a host country. The story of Lawrence provides an eye-opening look at the life of a Cameroonian refugee in Seville, España, displaced and living a life of uncertainty day-to-day.

The dialogue, based on real-life experiences, brings the film a dimension of realistic depth. The topic of refugee displacement is handled with care, bringing the critical issues of life abroad to the forefront. It’s a very thought-provoking work. Además, beautiful cityscapes and scenes are captured throughout the film.

The parallels of the characters help them find commonality even though they are from two completely different cultures, reflecting the humanity and solidarity that can be found in unexpected places.

Doy esta pelicula 5 fuera de 5 estrellas.

Nikita Harris is a student at the University of Houston majoring in Strategic Communications with a concentration in Corporate Communications. She is a Communications Intern at CMRubinWorld with interest in art and writing.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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