避難所: 對脆弱性和韌性的真誠探索


避難所 is a film directed by Leticia Agudo that takes you to the other side of life abroad. 它抓住了當一個人在東道國的惡劣城市街道上任憑擺佈時脆弱的本質. 勞倫斯的故事讓人大開眼界,了解塞維利亞喀麥隆難民的生活, 西班牙, 流離失所,每天過著不確定的生活.

對話, 基於現實生活經驗, brings the film a dimension of realistic depth. The topic of refugee displacement is handled with care, bringing the critical issues of life abroad to the forefront. It’s a very thought-provoking work. 另外, beautiful cityscapes and scenes are captured throughout the film.

The parallels of the characters help them find commonality even though they are from two completely different cultures, reflecting the humanity and solidarity that can be found in unexpected places.

我給這部電影 5 出 5 星星.

Nikita Harris 是休士頓大學策略傳播專業的學生,主修企業傳播. 她是 CMRubinWorld 的通訊實習生,對藝術和寫作感興趣.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
