By Amanda Tuccillo
The division between North and South Korea has been around since the Korean War. The division, called the 38th Parallel, is the military line that divides Communism from Non-Communism.
The short film, titled 38th Parallel, is an informational video that depicts the division between North and South Korea from the perspective of Koreans. The creator behind this film, Ejun Hong, interviewed three different Korean students about their thoughts behind the 38th Parallel and what they think needs to happen to the divide. Lots of South Koreans want to get rid of the 38th Parallel and become one nation again. The film pushes the idea of reunification in order to reunite families that have been separated, free the people of North Korea, and protect their rights.
What adds to the impact of this short film is the soft flute music behind the powerful voiceover, as well as the hand-drawn 2D computer-animations that are present throughout its entirety. The creativity and uniqueness of the illustrations leaves a lasting impact on viewers.
I give this film 5 out of 5 stars.
Amanda Tuccillo is a student at the University of Rhode Island studying Communications and Media Studies, as well as Public Relations with a focus in Social Media. She is a Communications Intern at CMRubinWorld with interests in writing, editing, and graphic design.
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