高保真度 is a short film done entirely by Ava Fumarolo. 作为制片人和主要演员, 艾娃(Ava)描述了自己作为一名年轻女性如何处理人际关系的冲突. 她直接对着镜头说话, 实时讲述她自己的心理斗争. 她对音乐的热爱是平行的; 当黑胶唱片转圈时, 她的想法也是如此. Something she cares about so deeply has become distant through the routine nature of her work in a record shop.
在 高保真度, everything spins in circles. With no real purpose or end goal in mind, Ava still manages to wonderfully share the internal world she is so deeply entrenched in. Perhaps through her work in film, she can remove herself from that groove and proceed to another track.
This film serves as a great reminder to herself and anyone who watches that this is possible: to regain consciousness with yourself through internal reflection. Diving deep into what you love can have tremendous value, and Ava Furmolo demonstrates that with 高保真度.
我很高兴评价这部电影 5 出 5 星星。
Tanner Sell 是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的学生,研究电信和媒体行业,重点关注当前和未来技术问题的道德解决方案. 他是 CMRubinWorld 的通讯实习生,对音乐和视频制作感兴趣, 哲学, 和社会学