

A Broken Star is a lovely animated short film by Ejun Hong about a star learning to shine again by helping others. 镶嵌在柔和的光芒中, 宝石色调的外太空, 星星是一种类似植物的生物,可以接受和实现孩子们的愿望. 而其他明星则显示健康、绿色, 我们的星星是黄色的,叶子枯萎了, 渴望看着其他明星实现自己的愿望. When our star receives a wish from a struggling child asking how they can shine like others, the star begins to shine again, wanting to share its love to help the child and learning to love itself in the process.

A Broken Star is a gentle experience. Hong tells her story with no dialogue, using a deliberately craftsy style to take the audience back to childhood. Animations are emphasized with quiet clockwork ticking, floating objects are lifted with string and paper clips, and our wilting star is patched together with pieces of tape. Everything works to create a sense of nostalgia and simplicity. 整部电影, the art is the true star.

As lovely as the dreamscape is, the storytelling gets a bit fuzzy towards the end. Written words are used to narrate the child’s wish and the end of the film. The words work during the wish, but once we get to the end, narration explains what happens instead of showing the star beginning to shine again, weakening the ending. Seeing our star turning green and healthy, maybe regrowing their leaves while the child uses their old leaves to stand out and shine, would have been more impactful and better suited for the style of the film.

总体, A Broken Star is an enchanting, well-animated film held together by the strong emotional core at the heart of its simple story. I give it four out of five stars.

艾薇儿是萨凡纳艺术与设计学院写作专业的大四学生. 她的目标是有一天以出版她的作品为职业.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
