By Sadie Judd
Mit Innovation den Welthunger lösen from producer Marta Antonio is a highly informative short film that broadens the scope of how AI and technology can help address global crises. Durch die Beschreibung der Prozesse, mit denen verschiedene Unternehmen dieses durchweg ernste Problem angehen, Der Film wirbt für ein Neues, technologisch fortschrittliche Zukunft, an die wir glauben können.
Though the film doesn’t delve too deeply into how this AI technology works or its proven impact on the crisis, it does provide a hopeful image for addressing these issues in the future.
Overall score: 4/5
Sadie Judd is a senior at DePaul University with an editing concentration in the Film and Television department. Aside from editing films, she can be found reading fantasy books, watching comedies or taking a nice stroll.
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