起来: 和谐与希望


起来, directed by Jenny Morgan, is a heartwarming seven-minute animated musical film featuring endearing furry creatures that harmoniously sing about their endangered environment, 敦促人类团结起来反对水力压裂.

Facing the threat of losing their homes, they seek your support to preserve their habitats. The song showcases captivating solos and addresses the risks of fracking, culminating in a resounding chorus advocating for a brighter future.

The only minor critique is the audio quality, which occasionally sounded scratchy—though this might be attributed to my computer speakers.

For its charming furry characters and meticulous animation, I rate this film four out of five stars.

阿德琳娜·希尔 (Adelina Hill) 目前是圣路易斯大学的一名大四学生. 安纳波利斯圣约翰学院, 马里兰. 她把时间花在阅读和写作上,你很可能会发现她身边一直拿着一本书. 她出生于圣. 圣彼得堡, 俄罗斯,九个月大时被收养,移居美国. 她的亲生弟弟很快也跟随了进来. 阿德琳娜想成为一名全职作家,为一家出版公司工作,写小说, 幻想, 和恐怖; 任何稍微不寻常的东西都会引起她的注意. 她的其他爱好包括鱼类养殖, 用手喂蜂鸟, 听音乐, 和骑马. She hopes to one day be on the NYT bestsellers list and become as great of an author as her great grandfather, Napoleon Hill, 作者 思考致富.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
