起來: 和諧與希望


起來, directed by Jenny Morgan, is a heartwarming seven-minute animated musical film featuring endearing furry creatures that harmoniously sing about their endangered environment, urging humans to rally against fracking.

Facing the threat of losing their homes, they seek your support to preserve their habitats. The song showcases captivating solos and addresses the risks of fracking, culminating in a resounding chorus advocating for a brighter future.

The only minor critique is the audio quality, which occasionally sounded scratchy—though this might be attributed to my computer speakers.

For its charming furry characters and meticulous animation, I rate this film four out of five stars.

阿德琳娜·希爾 (Adelina Hill) 目前是聖路易斯大學的大四學生. 安納波利斯聖約翰學院, 馬里蘭. 她把時間花在閱讀和寫作上,你很可能會發現她身邊一直拿著一本書. 她出生於聖. 聖彼得堡, 俄羅斯,九個月大時被收養,移居美國. 她的親生弟弟很快也跟著了進來. 阿德琳娜想成為全職作家,並為出版公司工作,寫小說, 幻想, 和恐怖; 任何稍微不尋常的東西都會吸引她的注意. 她的其他愛好包括魚類養殖, 用手餵蜂鳥, 聽音樂, 和騎馬. 她希望有一天能躋身《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜,並成為像她的曾祖父一樣偉大的作家, 拿破崙·希爾, 作者 思考致富.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
