Diamond Middleton directed a heart-wrenching Kurzfilm for Planet Classroom’s problem solvers series called How to Help Ukraine Refugees. Middleton betont die Spannungen, die zum Krieg in der Ukraine führten, die Invasion selbst und wie wir Flüchtlingen helfen können. Das Ergebnis war prägnant, genau und hilfreich.
Ich finde es augenöffnend, schwierige Themen zu diskutieren. Dieser Kurzfilm befasst sich auf einfache Weise mit einem der schwierigsten Themen von allen. Foreign tensions can be hard to read about because of the technical diction used in big publications, but Middleton took the story and made it readable, which I appreciated greatly.
Her suggestions on how we can help Ukrainian refugees were helpful and realistic. When rallying for a cause it is important to make reasonable suggestions so that more people can get involved. Middleton executed this beautifully.
Ich gebe diesen Film 5/5 Sterne.
Gabby Stagnone is a senior at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and is majoring in communications with a public relations focus.
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