A Global Search for Education: Ajándék: Az átalakulás és az ellenálló képesség rögzítése Tanzániában

A Global Search for Education: Ajándék: Az átalakulás és az ellenálló képesség rögzítése Tanzániában

Ebben a hónapban, audiences can screen Kipawa on the Planet Classroom Network.

Transforming Lives: Kipawa Showcases Empowerment in Tanzanian Youth

Transforming Lives: Kipawa Showcases Empowerment in Tanzanian Youth

By Nikita Harris Kipawa is an inspiring film directed by Elizabeth Hansen that documents TYLEV—Tanzania Young Leaders Empowering Vijana. The organization is working to improve the lives of young men and women in Tanzanian society. The film also showcases one of the mentors, Isiaka, a young man who has persevered through grief and loss by being involved in TYLEV. The film reveals the transformative power TYLEV has in the lives of the...
