Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: More Materials for the Arts
“Every day is Earth Day.” — Harriet Taub Materials for the Arts is one of those organizations you look at and say to yourself – it’s so obvious – collect surplus materials from businesses and individuals and redistribute them to nonprofits with ongoing arts programming and schools – why doesn’t every community have a recycling program like this one? Harriet Taub, Executive Director...
Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: E 'questo l'età delle Arti?
“Il sogno di BAM educazione è che chiunque, in qualsiasi parte del mondo sarebbe in grado di provare ciò che accade sui palcoscenici di BAM, soprattutto il pubblico giovane, in ogni momento.” — John Tighe Arts education is making a difference in improving struggling schools by increasing student engagement and positively changing young lives in countries all over the world. Inoltre, in an age where anyone can access the...
Giro del mondo in 30 Giorni – Maggio 2015
C. M. Rubin’s Global Education Report In May, I continued my conversations with thought leaders from China to New York who sketched out for me the conflicting overlaps between creativity, innovazione, riforma, and testing, and shared their efforts to create coalescence between them. Nel frattempo, my Top 12 Global Teacher Bloggers contributed some much-needed tips on one of the hottest topics for this time of the school calendar year,...
Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Istruzione e Economia
“Quando i lavori stanno cambiando rapidamente, accumulare conoscenze conta meno, e il successo diventa sempre più sui modi di pensare – creatività, pensiero critico, problem-solving e di giudizio; sui modi di lavorare – la collaborazione e il lavoro di squadra; sugli strumenti per la lavorazione, compresa la capacità di riconoscere e sfruttare le potenzialità delle nuove tecnologie; and about the social and emotional skills that help us live and work...
Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Suono del pastore
“Musicians are all human, cioè, we all have issues and things we want to improve but we also have the same goal, and that is to be the best we can be at what we do.”- Niccolo Muti World-renowned violinist, Cho-Liang Lin, Professor of Violin at Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music, urges all young musicians “to get up in front of people and perform.” And The Shepherd School Orchestra did –...
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