A Musical Ode to Resilience: Tan Dun Prayers and Blessing

A Musical Ode to Resilience: Tan Dun Prayers and Blessing

By Rhea Mursalin Tan Dun Prayers and Blessing stands as a significant testament to the human spirit amidst adversity, beautifully captured in this collaborative project by the Bard College Conservatory of Music and edited by Ryan MacEvoy McCullough and Yinglin Zhou. Tan Dun, the Dean of Bard Conservatory, masterfully crafts a composition that transcends its origins during the unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic, evoking deep...

迷人的结局:  拉赫玛尼诺夫第二交响曲. 2

迷人的结局: 拉赫玛尼诺夫第二交响曲. 2

雷亚·穆萨林 (Rhea Mursalin) 巴德音乐学院管弦乐团演绎谢尔盖·拉赫玛尼诺夫《第一交响曲》. 2 简直令人着迷, 提供与激情产生共鸣的表演. 拉赫玛尼诺夫的第二交响曲是创造力和韧性的胜利, 巴德音乐学院管弦乐团以迷人的演绎向这一遗产致敬. 创作于 1906 并于次年首映,...
