堅韌的音樂頌歌: 譚盾祈禱與祝福

堅韌的音樂頌歌: 譚盾祈禱與祝福

作者:Rhea Mursalin Tan Dun 祈禱和祝福是逆境中人類精神的重要證明, 這個合作計畫由巴德學院音樂學院精心拍攝,並由 Ryan MacEvoy McCullough 和 Yinglin Zhou 編輯. Tan Dun, 巴德音樂學院院長, 在 Covid-19 大流行的前所未有的時期,巧妙地創作出超越其起源的作品, 喚起深...

A Captivating Finale:  Rachmaninoff Symphony No. 2

A Captivating Finale: Rachmaninoff Symphony No. 2

By Rhea Mursalin The Bard Conservatory Orchestra’s rendition of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Symphony No. 2 is nothing short of enchanting, delivering a performance that resonates with passion. Rachmaninoff’s second symphony emerges as a triumph of creativity and resilience, and The Bard Conservatory Orchestra pays homage to this legacy with a captivating interpretation. Composed in 1906 and premiered the following year,...
