How Will We Read: In Book Chains?
“Waterstone’s is to the British what Barnes and Noble is to Americans” – C. M. Rubin British businessman James Daunt gave up a career on New York’s Wall Street at the end of the 1980’s to occupy the world of bookshops — “the kind of bookshops he would like to visit” (shops, not stores, as Daunt likes to call them). If you’ve ever been to one of the 6...
How Will We Read: In Schools?
How must the role of the school library and the school librarian evolve in the 21st century school? Our time is an information age. There are many unique challenges we face related to information such as accuracy, ownership, accessibility and privacy. Lifestyles are more hectic than ever, which means we feel the need to process information faster. It seems more often than ever we hear concerns about the lack of media...
How Will We Read? – The Book Given
The book given by Lewis Carroll to Alice Liddell for Christmas On November 26, 1864, Lewis Carroll gave my relative, Alice Pleasance Liddell, a book he had written for her. He called the book Alice’s Adventures Underground after considering titles such as Alice’s Golden House, Alice Among the Elves, Alice Among the Goblins, and Alice’s Doings In Wonderland. Carroll had spent over two years writing and...
Freedom: What Do July 4th and Alice in Wonderland Have in Common?
July 4, 1776 is known as American Independence Day, the day that commemorates the adoption of America’s Declaration of Independence. It is the day on which 13 colonies from Maine to Georgia, (which today consist of Maine, Georgia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, and Rhode Island) overcame many obstacles and finally...
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