The Global Search for Education: Culturally Ready or Not?

The Global Search for Education: Culturally Ready or Not?

Many experts believe deepening unemployment in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) as robots and artificial intelligence transform global production will widen inequities and deepen social fragmentation.  It is a nation’s duty to provide the necessary education, information and skills to its future generations.  Are education systems investing sufficient resources and content in curriculum to prepare youth for cultural diversity...

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The Global Search for Education: Is Now Our Time to Dance?

The Global Search for Education: Is Now Our Time to Dance?

“Dance is an art form that triggers emotions and feelings like no other. It provides an opportunity to explore important issues viscerally and emotionally, through the best language on the planet, the movement of the body.”  —  Rob Fruchtman As our global population continues to grow, migration and increasing social and cultural diversity are reshaping countries and communities. New York’s Battery Dance...

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The Global Search for Education: Coming Together

The Global Search for Education: Coming Together

“While some celebrated the accomplishments of the first African-American president, others devolved into deep-seated anger about how his presidency altered the course of the US, globally and at home. Globalization has undoubtedly contributed to these differences, since the gaps – in education, wealth and access to cultural difference – nurture profoundly different outlooks.” —  Bill Gaudelli In President...

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The Global Search for Education: The Top Global Teacher Bloggers on Integrating Diverse Classrooms

The Global Search for Education: The Top Global Teacher Bloggers on Integrating Diverse Classrooms

The changes in immigration are dramatically impacting our global communities and our classrooms, which are becoming more diverse and multicultural. Our Global Teacher Bloggers are pioneers and innovators in fields such as technology integration, mathematics coaching, special needs education, science instruction, and gender equity. They have founded schools, written curricula, and led classrooms in 13 different countries that stretch...

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The Global Search for Education: Migration – The Millennial Bloggers

The Global Search for Education: Migration – The Millennial Bloggers

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls on countries to begin efforts to achieve the 17 SDGs over the next 15 years. The goals address the needs of people in both developed and developing countries, emphasizing that no one should be left behind.The changes in immigration are dramatically impacting our global communities, which are becoming more diverse and multicultural. As people move more freely across borders and...

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