The Global Search for Education: What Does My Robot Think?
“Each of those objects is a portrait of who we were as a society, and a promise of who we wanted to be. So who are you now, and who do you want to become, now that you’ve had a look into the mirror of Robots?” — Ling Lee What will robots mean to our future, and more specifically, what will their impact mean for learning and the role of education? Industrial-scale automation is coming soon. But what about other jobs...
The Global Search for Education: Dear Parents – A Conversation with Dr. Leonard Sax
“American kids are now 10, 20, 50 or 90 times more likely to be on prescription psychiatric medications compared with kids in other countries (the rate varies depending on the diagnosis in question). I think it’s an important and disturbing trend.” — Dr. Leonard Sax Dr. Leonard Sax graduated Phi Beta Kappa from MIT in January 1980 at the age of 19. He then went on to the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned both a PhD in...
Around the World in 30 Days – May 2017
C. M. Rubin’s Monthly Global Education Report CMRubinWorld’s mission for over 7 years has been to ask the important questions about learning, share the most innovative ideas and be a bridge builder between the past and the future of global education. Ongoing rapid technological advancements continue to change our world. What competencies will young people need to succeed 5, 10, or 25 years from now? This month we invited Justine...
The Global Search for Education: Dear Millennials – Are You Politically Active?
UCLA’s 2015 survey of US students found that “interest in political and civic engagement has reached the highest levels since the study began 50 years ago. Nearly 1 in 10 incoming first-year students expects to participate in student protests while in college.” In The 2014 Allstate-National Journal Heartland Monitor Poll, 83 percent of millennials said that if Americans volunteered more time and money to community groups and...
The Global Search for Education: Is Your 15-Year-Old Financially Literate?
“The more that financial education initiatives are developed, both in and outside of school, the more important it is for governments and other stakeholders to evaluate and prioritize such initiatives and to scale and spread good practice.” — Andreas Schleicher To thrive in today’s innovation-driven economy, students need a different mix of skills than in the past. Experts believe that educating kids to be financially literate and...
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