The Global Search for Education: Global Teachers – It’s Genius Time Kids!

The Global Search for Education: Global Teachers – It’s Genius Time Kids!

So search engine giant Google had this neat idea a few years ago to allow its engineers to spend 20% of their time working on things that really interested them – the goal being to inspire creativity and indirectly increase productivity. Some significant innovations came out of Google’s 20% time. Well-publicized “20% products” have included things such as Google News, G-mail, and AdSense. A goal in every classroom should be to create...

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The Global Search for Education: Is Clay Christensen Ready to Disrupt Parenting?

The Global Search for Education: Is Clay Christensen Ready to Disrupt Parenting?

“A good life is not one that is free from struggle, but one in which people have the tools to overcome what life throws at them. By that logic, a good parent is one who immerses his child in lots of small, authentic opportunities to navigate and conquer challenges.” — Clay Christensen Clayton Christensen’s bio describes him as a professor, author, entrepreneur, missionary, husband, and father. Clay is regarded as one...

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The Global Search for Education: New Study Shows Student Well-Being Is in Serious Decline

The Global Search for Education: New Study Shows Student Well-Being Is in Serious Decline

“Perhaps the most distressing threat to student well-being is bullying, and it can have serious consequences for the victim, the bully and the bystanders.” — Andreas Schleicher “When disenfranchised youth from the heart of our countries, who have ticked all the boxes of formal education, join the Islamic State to turn the historic multi-ethnic and multi-religious powerhouses of the Middle East back into...

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The Global Search for Education: First of Its Kind Global Refugee Study Highlights a Gap Between Policy and Practice

The Global Search for Education: First of Its Kind Global Refugee Study Highlights a Gap Between Policy and Practice

“The divide between ‘refugees welcome’ and ‘refugees not welcome’ seems to be a global phenomenon in which refugees are viewed as outsiders and the public education system is understood as primarily serving national citizens.” — Elizabeth Buckner In a new global study of urban refugee education, researchers at Teachers College, Columbia University have revealed a gap between policy and practice. “Even in countries with strong national...

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The Global Search for Education: How Teachers Are Learning in New York

The Global Search for Education: How Teachers Are Learning in New York

“I was exposed to even more sites than I was currently aware of. It was a great place to exchange ideas.” — Linda Bean A new era of personalized professional development is penetrating New York schools. Online learning methods that in the past enriched students are now engaging educators. Participation in online professional development is on the rise. And demand will continue to grow. The State of New York has mandated that all...

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