The Global Search for Education: Escuela Nueva Has Much to Teach Us
“There are many important facets of the Escuela Nueva model, including its systemic approach, being child centered, involving active participatory learning, children finishing academic units at their own pace, cooperative learning and children learning through dialogue and interaction.” — Vicky Colbert How do you develop a cost-effective quality learning model for the 21st Century for disadvantaged children in small rural schools...
The Global Search for Education: Keeping Gender at the Forefront – Millennial Bloggers Weigh In
“Thirty years ago global warming was not widely understood,” observed Richard Robbins in our 2013 interview with him about his acclaimed film, Girl Rising. He believed the most powerful argument in favor of educating girls was as a strategy to eliminate global poverty. Gender has continued to be at the forefront of our culture. Despite this, a World Economic Forum 2017 report found that globally, gender parity was shifting into...
The Global Search for Education: Are You as Good as Your Robot?
“We should be working harder to figure out how soon large-scale employment disruption will occur and exactly what income policies will be needed when the time comes.” — Elliott/Van Damme Technological advances are going to change work skills in the future and leave certain kinds of workers unemployable. A new book, Computers and the Future of Skill Demand, uses a test based on the OECD’s Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) to compare...
The Global Search for Education: Yes They’re Ready to Teach in the Fourth Industrial Revolution!
“Our global society faces dangers of inequity inside and outside our schools. If we are to realize the peaceful and prosperous vision of the future we desire, a focus on equity through and within our educational systems must be one of our main driving forces.” — Michael Soskil Welcome to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It’s a complex, volatile, ever-changing world where we have already witnessed fundamental...
Around the World in 30 Days – February 2018
School shootings and suicidal ideation are on the increase. Today students face many different environmental, social and economic challenges compared to the generations that came before them. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the number of children and adolescents admitted to children’s hospitals for “thoughts of suicide or self-harm” more than doubled during the last decade. A study of South African...
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