Dancing Together: Sisters: Család vagyunk
By Rhea Mursalin Sisters: Család vagyunk, directed by Ying Chu, is a heartwarming documentary that celebrates the culture and community embodied by The Chung Wah Dance Group. This talented ensemble, representing diverse backgrounds from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Tajvan, Vietnam, Dél-Afrika, and Mauritius, are the focus of this inspiring narrative surrounding dance. This documentary skillfully weaves together interviews, allowing...
A Global Search for Education: Emberi kapcsolatok felfedezése az űrben: Interjú WadeBE-vel
Ebben a hónapban, audiences can screen Death of a Star on the Planet Classroom Network
Celestial Farewells: Death of a Star
By Alex Silverman Death of a Star, directed by WadeBE and written by Shantel Neo, tells the story of two NASA engineers with one being more optimistic than the other. The engineers soon discover what their work means to each other. The senior engineer is deeply engrossed in his work, while the junior engineer reveals he is leaving NASA, leaving the senior engineer dismayed. Director WadeBE’s personal connection to the NASA...
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