教育のためのグローバル検索: 信頼のために踊る: ブレーメン

教育のためのグローバル検索: 信頼のために踊る: ブレーメン

今月, audiences can screen Dancing for Trust: Bremen on the Planet Classroom Network.

移動ストーリー: Battery Dance の Dancing for Trust のレビュー: ブレーメン

移動ストーリー: Battery Dance の Dancing for Trust のレビュー: ブレーメン

By Teresa Matuzak The mini-documentary Dancing for Trust: Bremen from Battery Dance waltzes into a world of movement and abstract expressionism as students learn to tell their stories through dance. から 2006, Battery Dance has organized week-long camps that teach students in and around the German city of Bremen new dance techniques, expressions, and movements that allow them to tell their stories physically. Through clips and...
