For the Children

For the Children

Brooke Jackman Foundation 10th Anniversary Read-a-thon is at the World Financial Center Photo courtesy of Brooke Jackman Foundation. September 13, 2001 In the playroom outside the doctor’s office, my six-year-old son was maneuvering a toy airplane through Lego constructed twin towers. The doctor explained his stomach pains were a symptom of post traumatic stress. In the midst of the insanity, I had failed to notice the...



Jesse Freeborn a Top of the World az Childreach International “Csak mielőtt elértük Uhuru Peak Kilimandzsáró, agyam lüktetett annyira úgy éreztem, mintha ez fog robbanni a fülem. I started throwing up black vomit and I got diarrhea at the same time. I was physically a mess. Tudtam, hogy közel a cél, bár. I knew I had to think positive. I knew if I could just hang in there a little longer, ÉN...
