Alice – In Germania

Alice – In Germania

Annelies Štrba – Nyima 438, 2009. Per gentile concessione di Annelies Štrba e Frith Street Gallery, Londra. © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2012. Da quando Lewis Carroll ha consegnato il manoscritto originale delle Avventure di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie a Alice Liddell di 10 anni come regalo di Natale 1864, la visualizzazione della storia è stata un aspetto integrante del lavoro. Dalla fine del XIX secolo ai giorni nostri, artisti visivi in ​​giro ...

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Alice in Italia

Alice in Italia

il Mart: the Modern and Contemporary Art Museum of Trento and Rovereto Alice In Wonderland is the first exhibition to comprehensively focus on Lewis Carroll’s classic “Alice” books and their enormous influence on the world of visual arts from the first publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in 1865 ai giorni nostri. Dal 25 febbraio al 3 giugno 2012, the visual extravaganza...

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Alice Pleasance Liddell, Summer 1858 Courtesy of © National Portrait Gallery, London. In the year 2143, will we be able to say Harry Potter lives, Harry Potter is global, or even that Harry Potter’s enduring legacy continues to inspire all age groups? None of us really know for sure what will happen to Harry Potter between now and then. What you should know is that there is one book, che, 146 years after it was first...

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