A Global Search for Education: Agyag Christensen kész megszakítása Szülői?
“A jó élet nem az, hogy mentes a harc, de az egyik, ahol az emberek az eszközöket, hogy megszüntessék az élet dob rajtuk. Azáltal, hogy a logika, jó szülő az, aki magával ragadja a gyermeket sok kis, hiteles lehetőségeket navigálni, és meghódítsa a kihívásokat.” — Clay Christensen Clayton Christensen’s bio describes him as a professor, szerző, vállalkozó, misszionárius, férj, és az apa. Clay is regarded as one...
A Global Search for Education: Online matematika tanulás
“The most effective learning technologies are those that track a student’s progress wherever and whenever they learn, connecting their mastery – not rote memorization – to lessons that keep them in their optimal learning zone.” — Jessie Woolley-Wilson The goal of DreamBox Learning’s interactive online math tools and games is to help learners think for themselves and make sense of math. A...
A Global Search for Education: Innováció, Quality and Mobile
“I think technology has the potential to unlock new approaches to assessment that will change what and how we teach. I believe that the current curriculum shape and form that we see around the world with subjects taught in silos has to change.”– Jim Wynn Innovation and Quality: Two Sides of the Same Coin? was the title of Education Fast Forward’s 17th global debate at Mobile Learning Week in Paris in...
A Global Search for Education: Training Teachers Online
“Whilst access to a school is obviously still required for training, today no aspiring teacher should be denied entry to the profession as a result of being unable to access an ITT provider.” — Nicholas Breakwell Dr. Nicholas Breakwell spent almost a decade at Hibernia College in Ireland and its subsidiary in the UK (the latter was recently purchased by TES Global for whom Breakwell consults). During that time he had...
A Global Search for Education: Latin America is Online
“Felett 35 percent of Latin American companies say that an inadequately trained workforce is their primary impediment to expansion, versus just 22 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa and 17 percent in South Asia.” — Gabriel Sanchez Zinny Gabriel Sanchez Zinny is focused on education and the improvement of educational quality to fit a 21st century economy. Zinny is the founder and president of Kuepa.com, a blended learning...
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