La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Changement climatique et bien-être – Leçons d'une pandémie

La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Changement climatique et bien-être – Leçons d'une pandémie

Comment la pandémie de coronavirus affecte-t-elle le changement climatique? Comment abandonner les combustibles fossiles lorsque l'énergie est connectée à tout? La croissance économique mondiale est tirée par la consommation des consommateurs, mais malheureusement, que la consommation pollue aussi notre planète.

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Tour du monde en 30 Journées – Mai 2016

Tour du monde en 30 Journées – Mai 2016

C. M. Rapport Global Education de Rubin “Robots that care for us as we grow old. Cyberattacks against our homes. Extinct animals brought back to life. Ubiquitous sensors eliminating privacy as we now know it. Everybody will have a scandal! In ten years, a small earpiece will whisper what is being said to you in your native language near simultaneously to the foreign language being spoken.I agree with Alec Ross,...

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La recherche globale pour l'éducation: More Focus on Systems

La recherche globale pour l'éducation: More Focus on Systems

Complex systems are increasingly relevant to our world, as things become more tightly coupled.” — Roland Kupers Roland Kupers wants students to develop the kind of habits conducive to understanding their world in all its complexity. This means understanding how complex systems work and how systems thinkers think about complex problems. Kupers believes it also means developing new teaching approaches. Our world is...

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